Monday, August 18, 2008

There's A New Wing In Town

I have noticed bilboards for a wing restaurant in Jacksonville... WingHouse. The billboards look inviting... because of the meaty wings and variety of flavors. You can read about them at .

For Presidential Wings, I'm looking for an additional alternate location. I've had several Presidents say that they would attend, but there is some stigma in dining at Hooters. I don't know why... it's a restaurant with a cheerleader / beach theme. But some family members (mostly wives) do not cotton to the idea that their man is hanging out with bumpy young wimmin. As Mrs. Bunny constantly reminds me, "those Hooters Girls are younger than your sons". Sure, I feel old when I'm around them, but as George Burns once said "I liked twenty-year-olds when I was twenty and I find I still like them today".

I ventured over to WingHouse to try what they had. I went for the wings first, but they have many other great items on their menu. The layout is much like Hooters with the WingHouse Girls dressed in a similar manner... shorts and tank tops in all black with the WingHouse logo. The furniture looks the same. There are television sets everywhere with sports programming from a variety of channels.

WingHouse Girl Stevie greeted me upon my arrival and served me well. I ordered the Extreme Hot wings with Cajun blackened spices. The consistency was different than the Hooters wings and were tasty in their own way. As I left for the Monday evening movie around the corner at the Googleplex, the staff and I gathered for the traditional photo. WingHouse is a winner. Look for a future Presidential Wings there sometime before the end of the year.

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