Thursday, August 7, 2008

Presidential Wings - Jacksonville, FL

I hosted my bi-weekly Internet BMW Riders' Presidential Wings this evening. Emily, my HG for the evening is twenty years old and can't wait until her twenty-first birthday. I asked, "what is so special about turning 21?". I got the answer I expected... drinking age in Florida is twenty-one. That is really something to aspire to.

I remember when I had my last beer. It was June 2008. As part of my Brickyard Box Lunch at the 2007 US Grand Prix in Indianapolis last June, I ordered a can of Foster's Beer... the official beer of Formula One. The vendors walk through the stands selling the big honkin' 240z cans, so I took a chance on my beverage order that I'd end up with a big honkin' 24oz can. No such luck. I got the 12oz can. Not a problem. I took that can with me back to Columbus, Ohio, then to Nashville, Tennessee, then Columbia, South Carolina. Moving day was approaching in Columbia and I didn't want to drag that can of Fosters to another city, so I drank it. It was a beer. A beer. Yipee. A beer. Certainly not something to wish and hope to turn twenty-one for. Root beer tastes so much better. Just think of me as your permanent designated driver/rider.

I was to have been joined by three or four other folks, but last minute obligations caught up with all of them, so I ate my Hooters Cobb Salad in the company of HG Emily. In two weeks, I'll have one IBMWR President and two other riders heading up from the Daytona Beach area to join me for Presidential Wings. I'm going to try the Orange Park location that week. Must spread the Bunniness around.

Later in the evening, the Hooters Girls were on a push to sell some Hooters merchandise. I had two of them loaded up with hats and boxer shorts park at my table in an attempt to unload some merchandise on me. I resisted. I told them I had two of everything already. I told them that they didn't have any Bunny-sized clothing for me to purchase. They countered that I could buy something smaller as a gift. That's OK, I replied... Mrs. Bunny already has some great Hooters t-shirts from around the country that she doesn't wear. In the end, I prevailed.

Iron Bunny - 1
Hooters Girls - 0

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